Publicações da área de Direitos Humanos em periódicos nacionais e internacionais de janeiro a junho de 2019.
ANAYA-MUÑOZ, Alejandro. Bringing Willingness Back in: State Capacities and the Human Rights Compliance Deficit in Mexico. Human Rights Quartely, v.41, n.2, p. 441-464, 2019.
BALIDEMAJ, Albina. Human Rights Legislation in Albania: the case of human trafficking. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
BERTOTTI, Sara. Separate or inseparable? How discourse interpreting law and politics as separable categories shaped the formation of the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
BOCCHESE, Marco. Gbagbo’s lost bet: when inviting external judicial scrutiny backfires. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
CRAWFORD, James; KEENE, Amelia. Interpretation of the human rights treaties by the International Court of Justice. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
DANY, Charlotte. Exploring the Political Agency of Humanitarian NGOs: Médecins Sans Frontières During the European Refugee Crisis. Global Society, v. 33, 2019.
FAGAN, Andrew. The Gentrification of Human Rights. Human Rights Quartely, v.41, n.2, p.283-308, 2019.
GISPEN, Marie Elske C.; TOEBES, Brigit. The Human Rights of Children in Tobacco Control. Human Rights Quartely, v.41, n.2, p. 340-373, 2019.
GRECO, Dirceu; WELSH, James. Medicine, torture, the death penalty and the democratic state: from collaboration to emancipation. Revista Bioética, Brasília, v. 27, n. 1, p. 18-28, mar. 2019.
GOMES, Juliana Cesario Alvim. Nas encruzilhadas: limites e possibilidades do uso do litígio estratégico para o avanço dos direitos humanos e para a transformação social. Revista Direito e Práxis, Rio de Janeiro, v.10, n.1, p.389-423, mar. 2019.
HOFFMAM, Fernando; MORAIS, Jose Luis Bolzan de; ROMAGUERA, Daniel Carneiro Leão. Direitos humanos na sociedade contemporânea: neoliberalismo e (pós)modernidade. Revista Direito e Práxis, Rio de Janeiro, v.10, n.1, p.250-273, mar. 2019.
KENYON, Kristi Heather. Viewing international concepts through local eyes: activist understanding of human rights in Botswana and South Africa. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
MAIER, Nicole. Queering Colombia’s peace process: a case study of LGBTI inclusion. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
MEDEIROS, Nuno; DENIS, Teresa. Multiculturalidade, interculturalidade, direitos humanos e violência de género: breves notas para pensar o caso da mutilação genital feminina em Portugal e a sua abordagem. Cadernos Pagu, Campinas, n.55, p.1-21, 2019.
MILLER, Hannah. Human rights and development: the advancement of new campaign strategies. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
MITCHELL, Matthew I; YUZDEPSKI, Davis. Indigenous peoples, UNDRIP and land conflict: and African perspective. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
MOORE, Isabella. Indignity in unwanted pregnancy: denial of abortion as cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
NAGAMINE, Renata Reverendo Vidal Kawano. Os direitos de pessoas LGBT na ONU (2000-2016). Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad, Rio de Janeiro, n. 31, p. 28-56, jan-abr. 2019.
OCHOA-SÁNCHEZ, Juan Carlos. Economic and social rights and truth commissions. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
OKPALUBA, Chuks; NWAFOR, Anthony O. Habeas corpus as a remedy for deprivation of the right to personal liberty: contemporary developments in Canada and South Africa. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
OSORIO, Leticia Marques. Litígio Estratégico em Direitos Humanos: Desafios e Oportunidades para Organizações Litigantes. Revista Direito e Práxis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 10, n.1, p.571-592, mar. 2019.
ÖZDAN, Selman. State immunity or State impunity in cases of violations of human rights recognized as jus cogens norms. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
PAAKKANEN, E. Katariina. Entitled, empowered or victims – an analysis of discourses on male and female circumcision, genital mutilation/ cutting and genital cosmetic surgery. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
SADRI, Armis. The Arab human rights system: achievements and challenges. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.
ULFSTEIN, Geir. Interpretation of the ECHR in light of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2019.